Osteopathic Principles

Principles of Osteopathy

Osteopathic Principles are the dominant guiding forces behind every Osteopathic treatment. They are what makes Osteopathy unique in the modern health care system.

One of the most important principles of Osteopathy is that it views the living organism as a WHOLE. Many professions give lip service to this idea, and then go on to break it up into different systems e.g. respiratory, circulatory, musculoskeletal, nervous, etc to study and diagnose. This is why 21st century medicine appears to be becoming more and more specialised with each physiological system being evaluated and diagnosed by differently trained specialists. Often however, a patient who presents to our clinic has been to several specialists, had multiple diagnostic tests, scans and images taken, and because nothing can be found, is told that they can try a treatment option and to 'wait and see' what eventuates. When these treatment options fail to improve the patient's complaint they are often told that 'nothing more can be done' or are recommended to undergo pain management education.

Who is assessing the WHOLE in this case? Who is looking at how all of these physiological systems are communicating with one another? Who tries to evaluate how that living organism is strained as a WHOLE and trying to maintain some level of HEALTH?

The Osteopath is given the training and tools to evaluate and treat the person as a WHOLE. It is central to the way we look at LIFE.

Another guiding principle for Osteopaths is that the body is self-regulating and self-healing i.e. it has homeostatic capabilities that help to always steer towards Health. Whether it is developing a fever to fend off a virus or healing a broken bone the body will marshall it's forces to maintain balance, and head in the direction of Health.

It is the Osteopath's job to feel how a patient is attempting to overcome any unresolved strains and re-establish maximum ease of function. Doing this effectively can take years of training in both undergraduate and postgraduate courses, mentoring, and experience in treating patients.

As Dr Still founder of Osteopathy said:

"It is the object of the doctor to find health. Anybody can find disease"

The Philosophy of Osteopathy p.28
Dr A.T.Still

Kew Osteopathic Clinic

Osteopathic Treatment

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Note that referrals from GP's or other Health Care Practitioners are not necessary to make an appointment.

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